Working To Fill Vacancies…
Prime Commercial is a full service brokerage firm. We provide marketing support using smart thinking and fast action on behalf of clients operating in corporate and institutional sectors regarding. We move with the efficiency leveraging our local expertise to access the best opportunities in the local market area.
Aggressive Marketing…
Whether you want a quiet sale to well-targeted prospects, or maximum exposure of your property by casting the widest net, Prime Commercial will provide the appropriate marketing plan for you, your property, and the market. We evaluate your property’s strengths, weaknesses and competitive market opportunities. We make calculated recommendations to improve the market perception of a property, to make it more attractive to potential users, or to reposition and reintroduce it with broader appeal and greater revenue potential.
Prime Commercial maintains the highest standard for marketing all our commercial real estate assignments. Our highly visible and recognizable signs generate calls. Professional quality marketing materials are incorporated in a multifaceted distribution of information. We frequently canvas the market area with Flyers, direct mail, and email blasts to convey information to the prospective tenant, investor and local and national brokerage communities.
Where appropriate, Prime Commercial will market your property on multiple web sites and e-marketing systems including MFCRE, CoStar, Loopnet, Google, Realnex and more.
We Frequently talk to businesses within and around your property’s market area providing our clients with a competitive advantage. We procure information from building owners and tenants where we achieve a comprehensive understanding of the overall condition of the competing buildings, tenant satisfaction as well as upcoming lease expirations. Knowing the competition’s strengths and weaknesses affords us the ability to attract new prospects for our clients by knowing who, what and when an opportunity will present itself.

Call Us Anytime: 941-92PRIME (927-7463)
We Are Always Here To Help And To Answer Any Of Your Questions!